Igbo Language Grammatical Terms
abstract noun - ahauche
active articulator - njiakpọike
active verb - ngwaamme
adjectival noun - ahankọwa
adjective - nkọwa
adjective - nkọwaaha
adjunct - ọdụahịrị
adverb - nkwuwa
adverbial noun - ahankwuwa
affix - mgbakwunye
agent noun - omee
alliteration - bịambịamgbochi
anecdotes - ụkabụilu
anticlimax - mgbudaokwu
anticlimax - mwetuokwu
antithesis - nhagideokwu
apostrophe (') - rịkọm elu
apostrophe (figure of speech) - nkwusara
articulator - njiakpọ
aspiration - mkpọnuume
auxiliary verb - nnyemakangwaa (enyemaka ngwaa)
bound verb complement - ahantado
brackets - akara ngudo
cardinal number - ọnụọgụ usoro
cardinal numeral - ọnụọgụ usoro
chant - mbem
clause - nkebiahịrị
climax - orurughaokwu
collective noun - ahaigwe
colon (:) - kpọmkpọm
comma (,) - rịkọm
common noun - ahaizugbe
complex verb - ngwaa ùkwù
concrete noun - ahaihe
conjunction - njikọ
consonant - mgbochiume
consonant elision - ndapụ mgbochiume
declarative sentence - ahịrịnkwusa
demonstrative pronoun - nkọwaaha nrụaka
demonstratives - nsokwunye
diagram - eserese
dialect - olumba
dialect - olundi
dictionary - nkọwaokwu
dictionary tone - ụdachi
difference - ndiiche
digraph - mgbochiume mkpị
direct sentence - ahịrịnkwusa
dirge - abụ akwa arịrị
double quotation mark (" ") - rịkọm ngwu
drama - ejije
emphatic pronoun - nnọchi nkwusigide
enclitic - nsokwunye
epigram - akpụokwu
euphemism - nkwuma
exclamation mark - akara mkpu
extensional affix - mgbakwunye mgbatị
fictional story - akụkọ a rọrọ arọ
figure of speech - atụmatụ okwu
folktale - ifo
full stop (.) - kpọm
future tense - ndịniihu
genitive of possession - nkebiokwu kennwe
grammar - ụtọasụsụ
grammatical affix - mgbakwunye mgbanwe
grammatical structure - usorookwu
grammatical tone - ụdamgbanwe
high tone - ụdaelu
hyperbole - egbeokwu
hyphen (-) - akara uhie
ideophone noun - ahansinụda
idiolect - olunye
imperative mood of verb - ngwaa ntimiwu
impersonal pronoun - nnọchimpesịn
indefinite pronoun - nkowaaha mkpọkọta
indicator - nzii
inflectional affix - mgbakwunye mgbanwe
inherent tone - ụdachi
interfix - nnọneetiti
interrogative pronoun - nnọchiaha ajụjụ
interrogative sentence - ahịrịajụjụ
interrogatives - njụajụjụ
irony - ọgharaokwu
legends - nkọkịrịkọ
legends - akụkọ dike
letters of the alphabet - mkpụrụabịdịị
letters of the alphabet - mkpụrụakwuụkwọ
letters of the alphabet - mkpụrụedemede
lexical affix - mgbakwunye mgbatị
lexical tone - ụdachi
literature - agụmagụ
litotes - okwunkwutu
low tone - ụdaala
marker - nzii
metalanguage - ọkaasụsụ
metaphor - mbụrụ
metonymy - ahaọnọchi
mid tone - ụdansụda
myth - nkọmịrịkọ
myth - akụkọ okike
myth - akụkọ mmalite
nasalisation - mkpọniimi
nasal sound - ụdaimi
negation - njụ
negative sentence - ahịrịnjụ
nominal modifiers - nkọwaaha
nomino-verbal - ahangwaa
noun - aha
noun - mkpọaha
noun phrase - nkebiokwu kemkpọaha
number - ọnụọgụ
numeral - ọnụọgụgụ
onomatopeia - nsinụụda
onomatopeia - ụdaụda
oral drama - ejije ọnụ
orthography - nsoroedide
paradox - igbuduokwu
paragraph - ọgbara okwu
parentheses - akara ngudo
particle - mperimpe
participle - mmekangwaa
parts of speech - nkeji asụsụ
passive articulator - njiakpọnjụụ
past perfect tense - ndịmecha
past tense - ndịnaazụ
personal pronoun - nnọchionye
personification - mmemmadụ
phrase - nkebiokwu
play -ejije
plural - ụbara
poem - abụ
poetry - abụ
possessive pronoun - nnochinke
prefix - nganiihu
preposition - mbuụzọ
present tense - ndịugbua
progressive vowel assimilation - olilo ihu
pronominal modifier - nnọchiaha nkọwa
pronoun - nnọchịaha
proper noun - ahaaka
proverb - ilu
pseudo vowel (syllabic nasal) - myiriụdaume
punctuation mark - akara edemede
quantifiers - mkpokọta
question mark (?) - akara ajụjụ
reflective pronoun - nnọchionwe
regressive vowel assimilation - olilo azụ
rhetoric question - ajụjụ nzaraonye
riddle - agwụgwa
semi-colon (;) - kpọmrịkọm
sentence - ahịrịokwu
soliloquy - ntakwu
song - uri
sound - ụda
simile - myiri
simple sentence - ahịrịmfe
simple verb - ngwaa mfe
single quotation mark (' ') - rịkọm ngwu
singular - mkpọolu
singular and plural - mkpọolu na ụbara
spelling - nsupe
spelling rules - iwu nsupe
Standard Igbo - Igbo Izugbe
stative verb - ngwaandi
study - amụmamụ
subject - isiahịrị
suffix - nsonaazụ
syllabic homorganicity - ndagba myiriudaụme
syllabic nasal (pseudo-vowel) - myiriudaụme
syllable - nkejiokwu
synonym - myiwere
syntax - usorookwu
tone - ụdaolu
tone marking - akara ụdaolu
tongue twister - okwuntụhi
verb - ngwaa
verb root - isingwaa
verbal derivative - nsinangwaa
vowel - ụdaume
vowel assimilation - olilo ụdaume
vowel assimilation (complete assimilation) - olilo nlocha
vowel assimilation (conditional assimilation) - olilo ndapụta
vowel assimilation (coalescent assimilation) - olilo mmakọ
vowel elision - ndapụ ụdaume
vowel harmony - ndakọrịta ụdaume
vowel (heavy sound) - ụdaarụ
vowel (light sound) - ụdamfe
vowel (pseudo vowel) - myiriụdaume
word - mkpụrụokwu
word derived from verb - nsinangwaa