Igbo Adjectives (Nkọwa)
Adjective is nkọwa (nkọwaaha) in Igbo language. There are few adjectives in Igbo language. Igbo verbs and nominal complements fulfil the function of English adjectives in most cases. The Igbo verbs and nominal complements are similar to English predicative adjectives.
Some adjectives
ajọ - bad/evil
ezi - good
ezigbo - good
obere - small
ochie - old
ọcha - white/light colour
ọhụrụ - new
ọhụụ - new
ojii - black/dark
ọjọọ - bad
ọkpọọ - dry
ọma - good
ọmarịcha - good/nice
ukwu - big
mkpirisi - short
njọkịrị - ugly/bad
nkirika - worn
nnukwu - big
nta - small
ntakịrị - small/tiny
ntịkịrị - small/tiny
Some nominal complements
akpọ - dry
arọ (arụ, alụ, anyị) - heavy
ibu - fat
ike - strong
mma - good/beautiful
mpe - small
oyi - cold
ụtọ - sweet
ogo - tall
ogologo - tall
oji - dark
uji - dark
mfe - light (not heavy)
mkpụmkpụ - short
njọ - ugly
nro - soft
acha - ripe
ọcha - white/light colour
ọkụ - hot
ụcha - white/light colour
ure/ere - rotten
usi - smelly
ukwuu - big
1. John lụrụ ezigbo nwaanyị - John married a good lady
2. John lụrụ nwaanyị mara mma - John married a beautiful lady
3. Mmiri a jụrụ oyi - This water is cold
4. Nwoke ahụ toro ogologo - That man is tall
5. Ụgbọala m pere mpe - My car is small