Verbs in Igbo Language (Ngwaa)

The Igbo term for verb is ngwaa. Igbo language can be said to be a verb-based language. In addition to giving meaning to sentences, a lot of Igbo words are formed from verbs. Fluent speakers of Igbo language can form new words from existing verbs by addings suffixes or concatenating two or more verbs.

The words that are derived from verbs could be new verbs, nouns, adjectives or other parts of speech. Words that are derived from verbs are called verbal derivatives. The Igbo term for verbal derivative is nsinangwaa.


  • John riri nri - John ate (food)
  • John na-eri nri - John is eating
  • Iri nri di nkpa - It is important to eat/Eating food is important
  • John eriela nri - John has eaten
  • John nwere erimeri n'ụlọ - John has food at home
  • John kpọrọ anyị oriri - John invited us to a feast
  • John bụ ori nri - John is an eater (gluttony)
  • Iri nri ugboro atọ n'ụbọchi - To eat three times a day/Eating thrice a day

Verbal Derivatives (ri)
irito eatinfinitive
erieatbound verb complement
orieateragent noun


Ima is the verb 'to be beautiful', 'to be good', 'to be nice', 'to be handsome', and others.

  • Ifeoma mara mma - Ifeoma is beautiful
  • Umu nwaanyị Enugu na-ama mma - Enugu women are beautiful
  • Ijeoma amakarịala Ifeoma na mma - Ijeoma has become more beautiful than Ifeoma
  • Mary bụ nwaanyị ọma - Mary is a beautiful lady / Mary is a good/nice lady
  • Ịma mma bụ onyinye - To be beautiful is a gift

Verbal Derivatives (ma)
ịmato be beautifulinfinitive
amabeautifulbound verb complement

Click of the following links to learn more about Igbo verbs: